(HNxHHO$B>xDDxDNDD <` <>BB= > """>0@@A>@@@ b$(. b$(*  $ $ $DDDDDDDUUUUUUUwwwwwww7HH7"B\DBBRL~BB@@@@@@?R~!!~?DDDD8BBBB|@@>P>III>"AA""AAA"Uw > hH02L2L$$<H(,$<>>>>>>> VMODE=VIDEOMODEGET IF WHICHVGA = 0 THEN STOP DUMMY=RES640 SETVIEW 100, 100, 539, 379 FILLVIEW 10 WHILE INKEY$ = "" WEND VIDEOMODESET VMODE END 63 FONTGETINFO PROTOTYPE SUB FONTGETINFO (Width%, Height%) INPUT no input parameters WEND MOUSEEXIT VIDEOMODESET VMODE END 86 MOUSECURSORDEFAULT PROTOTYPE SUB MOUSECURSORDEFAULT () INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSECURSORDEFAULT defines the mouse cursor to be a small ,K$ѰXQ)崔ĴT,ԪX9\9U`94ad9UTah9tal9Uap9ԴatPTx0೏Uൗඛ෣p⸭ sKb<$݉   I1 E $Y풉 (m , 0$ I 풉 4 ! $5 I ] 8q @5+Ӑ$@ #@ $ #@4,p&e_Q4 Q @;_Q@e@mp!aO`PT8!$"qPCҰeT" '1' THEN BEGIN WriteLn('Sorry !'); WriteLn('This demo wasn''t written for more as 256 colors !'); WriteLn('You would only get a limited impression of the Hi-& TrueColor modes...'); WriteLn('Switching to 256 colors.'); choice1 := '1'; END; UNTIL choice1 IN ['1'..'4','q']; IF choice1 = 'q' THEN Halt; WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn('a. 320x200'); WriteLn('b. 640x480'); WriteLn('c. 800x600'); WriteLn('d. 1024x768'); WriteLn('e. 1280x1024'); WriteLn('Q uit'); WriteLn; Write('Your choice: '); REPEAT ReadLn(choice2); UNTIL choice2 IN ['a'..'e','q']; IF choice2 = 'q' THEN Halt; CASE choice2 OF 'a' : BEGIN xsize := 320; ysize := 200; END; 'b' : BEGIN xsize := 640; ysize := 480; END; 'c' : BEGIN xsize := 800; ysize := 600; END; 'd' : BEGIN xsize := 1024; ysize := 768; END; 'e' : BEGIN xsize := 1280; ysize := 1024; END; END; CASE choice1 OF '1' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,8); '2' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,15); '3' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,16); '4' : mode := FindVesaMode(xsize,ysize,24); END; IF mode = 0 THEN BEGIN WriteLn('No such mode could be found !'); WriteLn('Switching to to 320x200.'); ReadKey; mode := V320x200x256; END; END; begin { program body } SelectMode; Initialize; ReportStatus; { AspectRatioPlay; } FillEllipsePlay; SectorPlay; WriteModePlay; ColorPlay; { PalettePlay only intended to work on these drivers: } if (GraphDriver = EGA) or (GraphDriver = EGA64) or (GraphDriver = VGA) then PalettePlay; PutPixelPlay; { PutImagePlay; } RandBarPlay; BarPlay; Bar3DPlay; ArcPlay; CirclePlay; PiePlay; LineToPlay; LineRelPlay; { LineStylePlay; } { UserLineStylePlay; } TextDump; TextPlay; CrtModePlay; FillStylePlay; FillPatternPlay; PolyPlay; SayGoodbye; { CloseGraph; } CloseVesa; end. *************************************************** '* SHOW D2ROTATE (ABOUT THE ORIGIN) '****************************************************************c*#^v/:j0t+l""g?%H׫׽èU'թV? ujOEZ1! B8]1GlNqݲ;$zE<c*bE#Ϥ"Lrda a^1~)@M06DFvkpؐ)}1w3ρha[THqDKY-tTЧ.*I9l{c$oFr;O2eL4^N|ثO?FOz`'<>>$6 XgoGd߰?_9Lq'Oߟn43p.O}'O?t!8/pEVoxc5ȧ$?$ZspKX9\kO_5\A[јłNu16 g,%hccDVRKR;8آs㵠xgzPMy+Ji+3 ͥӌ^Grs %#(?%u86+Q)))Afw)B&4LXV:t@.;5ftJU8ǂpvg҂عI.^vZ& 66XNE kIA+҂bt-YauuvhuSvF;p(w@KHU RW 2M%.SNA1JEl]>\%4O&/)8vSP߲a4SP- ?䠸N*qU^I.rR&$Y^%BCeat Color := RandColor; SetColor(Color); SetFillStyle(Random(CloseDotFill)+1, Color); Bar3D(Random(MaxWidth), Random(MaxHeight), Random(MaxWidth), Random(MaxHeight), 0, TopOff); until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { RandBarPlay } procedure ArcPlay; { Draw random arcs on the screen } var MaxRadius : word; EndAngle : word; ArcInfo : ArcCoordsType; begin MainWindow('Arc / GetArcCoords demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key'); MaxRadius := MaxY div 10; repeat SetColor(RandColor); EndAngle := Random(360); SetLineStyle(SolidLn, 0, NormWidth); Arc(Random(MaxX), Random(MaxY), Random(EndAngle), EndAngle, Random(MaxRadius)); GetArcCoords(ArcInfo); with ArcInfo do begin Line(X, Y, XStart, YStart); Line(X, Y, Xend, Yend); end; until KeyPressed; WaitToGo; end; { ArcPlay } procedure PutPixelPlay; { Demonstrate the PutPixel and GetPixel commands } const Seed = 1962; { A seed for the random number generator } NumPts = 2000; { The number of pixels plotted } Esc = #27; var I : word; X, Y, Color : word; XMax, YMax : integer; ViewInfo : ViewPortType; begin MainWindow('PutPixel / GetPixel demonstration'); StatusLine('Esc aborts or press a key...'); GetViewSettings(ViewInfo); with ViewInfo do begin XMax := (x2-x1-1); YMax := (y2-y1-1); end; while not KeyPressed do begin { Plot random pixels } RandSeed := Seed; I := 0; while (not KeyPressed) and (I < NumPts) do begin Inc(I); PutPixel(Random(XMax)+1, Random(YMax)+1, RandColor); end; { Erase pixels } RandSeed := Seed; I := 0; while (n